Thursday, March 09, 2006

Of Love and Loss

30 Jul 2003

Why does love need be an exercise in pain?
Why is it that when you care for someone they shove it in your face screaming?
Why is it that when you try and fight for someone they run from you in fear?
What did I do to deserve these daggers in my heart, mind and soul?
Am I truly at fault?
Is being strong willed and a fighter a crime?
I have been through too much, too soon to fade to grey and let the world win.
Where others have wilted and died, I have endured, suffered, cried, and lived.
I shall endure eternally, my spirit is undying.
I cannot bend to the will of others even if it slowly eats me like a cancer.
Others have no idea of what I endure, when all I do is for another.
I shall never quit.
I scream, fuck you all.

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