Thursday, March 09, 2006

Of Love and Loss

Loves Muse

Who stood firm against thyne tempest?
I as always thyne shelter
Who gave thee shore forsooth?
I as always your rock
Who brought thee freshness when thou thirsted?
I as always your river
Yet a cruel flower, she won thy hand
Thou hast condemned me to shadowy memory
I your fairest muse.
Thou cast my voiced gift from thee
I your muse could nae thaw thyne heart
Shall I stand still as the tree?
While I watch thy fateful rose wound yea again.
Nae, I yet endure a fettered wraith of natures song
I watch thyne heart bleed full and red love.
Who taketh thyne hurts and shield thou?
I as always your shelter
Who let thee lean thyself to rest?
I as always your rock
Who let thee grace for sustenance?
I as always thyne river.

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